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上環 - 短期外判短期文職 - $14,300

Title: Temporary Clerk 短期合約文員 (上環)
Dept: Fire Service Department (FSD) 消防處
Salary: HK$14,300
合約期: 2個月
Working Hours : 08:30 – 17:18, normally Monday to Friday
工作地點 : 上環西消防街2號

Job Duties 工作內容
1. Assist in maintaining / updating records of Fire Services Installations installed in buildings
2. Assist in photocopying and faxing of documents 協助影印、傳真文件
3. Perform data inputting and proofreading duties 負責資料輸入和校對工作
4. Maintain office records including files, registers, orders and regulations; and ensure adequate supply of stores, stationery, printed forms and proper maintenance of office equipment such as computers as well as photocopying and facsimile machines
負責辦公室記錄工作,包括文件、登記冊、及其他文件和指令資料; 以確保文件需要設備商店、文具、印刷表格的充足供應以及電腦、影印機和傳真機等辦公設備運作妥當
5. Draft memos and correspondences, file documents, update and index office records, then circulate office instructions and circular memos to relevant personnel for information or action, and bring up files to subject officers for attention 起草備忘錄和信件、歸檔文件、更新和索引辦公室記錄,然後向相關人員分發辦公室指示和通函備忘錄以供參考或採取行動,並將文件提交給相關部門及同事作進一步處理
6. Provide general and basic clerical support as may be necessary to offices of the FSD
7. Perform any other general clerical duties as assigned by the officer-in-charge of statin/depot/office administration 向其他相關所需協助位置及辦公室行政廿主管指定的一般文書工作

Job Requirement申請要求
1. HKCEE / HKDSE 5 subjects pass, including English Language and Chinese Language (level 2 in HKDSE / Grade E in HKCEE, Grade C in HKCEE English (Syllabus A))
中學會考或中學文憑試5科合格, 包括中文及英文科目
2. Basic computer knowledge and software applications including Chinese and English word processing, spreadsheet, PowerPoint and data base functions with typing speed of 30 English words per minute and 20 Chinese characters per minute.
有基本電腦運用水平, 打字速度需為英文每分鐘30, 中文為每分鐘20

For those interested, please send your updated resume(which including your detailed public results(by subjects please) to email:

有興趣請提供你已更新的履歷表, *包括你的公開考試成績詳情(每科成績)*, 電郵至

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Carmen Yeung
Advance Resources Personnel Consultants Limited

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有興趣請提供你已更新的履歷表, *包括你的公開考試成績詳情(每科成績)*, 電郵至

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  • 申請工作時,切勿提供重要的個人資料,例如身份證、銀行戶口及信用卡的資料。
  • 不要隨便相信「無需經驗、學歷」,而又「人工高、福利好」的招聘廣告,還應留意所給予工資與所需條件是否合乎現實和市場價格。
  • 有關提防求職陷阱的資訊,可瀏覽此網頁
僱主:Advance Resources Personnel Consultants Limited
刊登日期:Apr 09 2024
工種:行政, 文職, 秘書
薪金:月薪 $14300
