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restaurant assistant manager


最新職位空缺 / New Jobs

【何文田大快活】廚師 / 廚務助理 - 大快活 RWF[ 東涌] 全公佣之選🌟美國牛仔褲牌子請FULL TIME SALES 💗公佣, 和諧工作氣氛💗 - Recruit Express (HK) LTD 高級保安員(12小時夜班—鴨脷洲附近商廈) - ISS Facility Services Limited 漢堡廚師_銅鑼灣禮頓中心麥當勞_新人獎金可達 $2,000 等緊你 - Leighton Centre of McDonald's 樂富岡山一番店拉麵 - 兼職廚務員 可達$75/hr - Step Dining Co., Limited Samsung 手提電腦及平板電腦產品顧問 (Product Consultant) (全職) - PENGTAI GREATER CHINA COMPANY LIMITED 朗豪坊☀️全公佣之選🌟美國牛仔褲牌子請FULL TIME SALES - Recruit Express (HK) Ltd 全職樽裝飲品處理員 - 美心食品廠 🍙OMUSUBI 店舖助理*薪金可達$16.5K* [銅鑼灣] (子女醫療保障❤️) - 華御結 游泳教練 / 助教 (兼職) | Swimming Coach / Assistant (Part-time) - 黃埔體育會 保險公司行政助理 - SP International Capital Company 全職/兼職門市店務員 (港島區) - HOLOS 尋找能人_銅鑼灣禮頓中心麥當勞_條件待遇仲幾好_新人獎金可達 $2,000 - Leighton Centre of McDonald's Full Time Sales Associate👚👔👖👖 - Recruit Express (HK) LTD Part-time Field Sales Representative (Worlds Leading Plastic Building-Block Toys Company, 6-Months Contract Under Agency) - Cult Media and Advertising Limited 暑期工: 誠聘荃灣區暑期初助理導師/教練 (歡迎應屆DSE畢業生) - LITTLE SEA BEAR AQUATIC CENTER Account Clerk – Part Time - Cult Media and Advertising Limited 香港書展攤位助理 Hong Kong Book Fair Event Helper - NoteSity Education Limited 分行行政文員 (黃大仙/鑽石山) - Midland Realty (Strategic) Limited 保安主管(12小時夜班—將軍澳附近鮮品倉) - ISS Facility Services Limited


工作地點 / Job Locations