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full time stockroom assistant


最新職位空缺 / New Jobs

【✨大快活暑期工✨】大量招募!! 誠聘廚務專員!**歡迎學生及應屆DSE畢業生👩🏻‍🎓👨🏻‍🎓** - 大快活 高級保安員(12小時早班—鴨脷洲附近商廈) - ISS Facility Services Limited 送餐達人_銅鑼灣禮頓中心麥當勞_新人獎金可達 $2,000 - Leighton Centre of McDonald's 早鳥一族_銅鑼灣禮頓中心麥當勞_時薪 $58-60 起 - Leighton Centre of McDonald's Intern暑期實習生 (2024年暑假) - Pi Innovation Limited 店務經理 / 助理店務經理 - 東涌分店 - Maria's Bakery Company Limited 佐丹奴-資深顧客服務員/顧客服務員(全職/兼職) - Giordano Ltd 全能型员工_銅鑼灣禮頓中心麥當勞_积极主动_时計 $58 - 60 起_灵活工时 - Leighton Centre of McDonald's Audit Trainee/Assistant (CPA firm) - few posts - Ref. 1498 - KEK Consultancy Company Limited 「 徵 」想遇見你 •銅鑼灣禮頓中心麥當勞 - Leighton Centre of McDonald's Property Assistant - Wan Chai - 保得物業管理有限公司 見習經理/副店長/店長(MOS Burger)(西環/旺角/奧海城/尖沙咀/香港站/黃埔) - Mos Burger 保安主管(8小時早/中輪班制—九龍灣附近醫院) - ISS Facility Services Limited 活動策劃實習生 Event Trainee - Amanda’s & Co 高級大廈服務員 - 寫字樓及商場 月入最高可達$19,000 (5.5天工作) - Hysan Property Management Limited 🕶 Customer Representative (Up to 20K) - Manpower Services (Hong Kong) Limited 兼職店務助理 (新都城3期)- 彈性工作時間 - Wellcome Sales Executive /Sales Engineer - Schindler Lifts (HK) Limited [全公佣] 輕貨涼鞋Full Time SALES🐊(16-19K另有雙糧😍) - Recruit Express (HK) LTD Human Capital Management & Administration - Officer / Assistant Officer - 創基工程有限公司


工作地點 / Job Locations